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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The language of the paper is English.
  • The paper adheres to the page limit specific to the paper type (see Author Guidelines).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The paper is submitted as a single Microsoft Word document (manuscripts in PDF are not accepted)
  • Graphics (i.e. figures, schemes, etc.) are also submitted in separate files. The file name should be descriptive for the graphic. Chemical Structures and schemes may be supplied in ChemWindow format and other graphics in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft PowerPoint format. Chemical structures should be produced with the use of a drawing program such as ChemDraw or ChemWindows.

Author Guidelines

Please prepare your page by starting with the journal template and following these rules: 

  • Paper size customized B5: 17x24 cm; left: 17 mm (0,669 inch), right: 17 mm (0,669 inch), top: 17 mm (0,669 inch), bottom: 8 mm (0,315 inch).
  • Main text is written with Calibri font, size 11, with paragraph spacing set to single.
  • Use Symbol Font for Greek letters and mathematical symbols.
  • All tables and figures, with their legends, must be inserted within the text following their citation.
  • Tables, each bearing a brief title, Calibri, 10pt, justified, should be numbered in Arabic numerals and placed in order of their mention in the text.
  • Figures (preferably colored) must be numbered in Arabic numerals, .png or .jpg format (max. 300 dpi), with caption, Calibri, 10pt, centered

Types of papers

The types of papers that can be submitted for consideration by the International Editorial Board are:

    Should report only original results. They are limited to 20 printed pages (80,000 characters). The publication of larger articles is subjected to the Editor’s agreement.
    They should be invited by the Editor. They should be concise / up to 25 printed pages (100,000 characters), critical and creative. They should seek to stimulate topical debate and new research initiatives. Prospective authors are asked to send an extended abstract (two pages maximum) of their paper to the Editor by e-mail. The abstract should outline why the review is topical, its main points and objectives, and how it will stimulate debate and research. When the proposal has been accepted by the Reviews Editor, he will invite the author to submit a manuscript within an agreed time limit and following the general guidelines for submission of standard papers.
    Short communications, which do not occupy more than four printed pages (16,000 characters) are short papers that present original and significant material for rapid dissemination and addressing new ideas, controversial opinions, “negative” results and much more.
    Conference papers should report only original results which were presented on the conferences and symposia. They should be submitted as like as original research papers.
    Anniversaries, evocations, personalities, varia, in memoriam, editorial signal, reviews. They are limited to 10 printed pages (40,000 characters). The publication of larger articles is subjected to the Editor’s agreement.

 Paper structure

  • TITLE: Calibri, font 12, uppercase, bold, centered
  • AUTHORS: Calibri, font 11, uppercase, centered
  • AFFILIATION: Calibri, font 10, italic, centered
  • ABSTRACT: Calibri, font 9, justified, approx. 200 words
  • Keywords: Calibri, font 9, justified, maximum 5 keywords
  • INTRODUCTION - brief and clear remarks outlining the specific purpose of the work (Calibri, size 11, justified)
  • MATERIALS AND METHODS - short summary of the background material including numbered references (Calibri, size 11, justified)
  • RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - indicate the logic used for the interpretation of data, without lengthy speculations (Calibri, size 11, justified)
  • CONCLUSIONS - short summary of the main achievements of the research (Calibri, size 11, justified)
  • Acknowledgement. (Calibri, size 11, justified)
  • REFERENCES - The list of References should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published. References should be cited in the text in brackets (Harvard style), in English, as in the following examples: (Peniwati, 2017), (Mohammed and Ringseis, 2001), (Jerez-Martel et al., 2017). References should be alphabetically listed at the end of paper, with complete details.

Anton, E., Radu, G., Radu, E., Adam, A., (2012). Research on the selectivity of the pelagic trawls used in the Romanian costal fishery with trawls tonnage vessels, J Environ Prot Ecol, 13 (3A): 1792-1798.
Boicenco, L., Lazăr, L., Bișinicu, E., Vlas, O., Harcotă, G.E., Pantea, E., Tabarcea, C., Timofte, F., (2019). Ecological status of Romanian Black according to the planktonic communities, Cercetări Marine - Recherches Marines, 49: 34-56.
Capet, A., Meysman, F.J.R., Akoumianaki, I., Soetaert, K., Gregoire, M. (2016). Integrating Sediment Biogeochemistry into 3D Oceanic Models: A Study of Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in the Black Sea, Ocean Modelling, 101: 83-100.
Niță, V., Theodorou, J., Nicolaev, S., Nenciu, M. (2019). Advancing Shellfish Aquaculture as a Sustainable Food Procurement Option in Emerging Black Sea Riparian Countries: Romania Country Report, Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, LXII(2): 364-370.

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